On June 21, when the rushed closure was announced and carried out, OPSEU/SEFPO President JP Hornick and leaders of Local 549 met with the employer and with members, and released this statement: Ford government neglect allows Ontario Science Centre to crumble.

That same day, government officials told the media and the union that there would be no immediate job losses. Four workdays later, more than 50 members in food service at the Science Centre received indefinite layoff notices: Ontario Science Centre layoffs imminent due to unnecessary closure to the public.

More details and analysis from various media sources can be found below:

CTV (July 10, 2024): Ford calls Ontario Science Centre a ‘decrepit building’, says repairing it is ‘foolish’

CBC (July 10, 2024): Ford calls Ontario Science Centre building ‘a total mess’ not worth fixing

CTV (July 9, 2024): Ontario Science Centre’s school cancels semesters for dozens of Grade 12 students

Canadian Architect (July 9, 2024): How to pay for repairing the Ontario Science Centre? Let’s start by using the money it’s taking to close it

Canadian Architect (July 8, 2024): The true cost of repairing the Ontario Science Centre is much, much less than what Infrastructure Ontario has been saying—and the proof is in its own documents

Globe and Mail (July 6, 2024): Without the Ontario Science Centre in my backyard, more of my childhood would have been lost to screens

The Globe and Mail (July 5, 2024): In the battle over the Ontario Science Centre’s future, we must remember why it was built in the first place

CBC Metro Morning (July 5, 2024): Veteran Science Centre programmer heartbroken over abrupt closure and still working in the building

Global News (July 4, 2024): Former students share memories of the Ontario Science Centre’s school

Canadian Architect (July 2, 2024): Cost of Ontario Science Centre temporary location exceeds cost of roof repairs

CityNews: Science Centre closure “unnecessary” says firm that designed it, offering free repairs

CBC News (June 28, 2024): How much of the Ontario Science Centre roof is at risk of collapsing? See for yourself

CBC News (June 26, 2024): Hundreds of buildings with Science Centre roof panels remain open

CTV News (June 26, 2024): Calls to save Ontario Science Centre persist

CBC Here and Now (June 26, 2024): The last few hours inside the Ontario Science Centre

Toronto Star (June 25, 2024): Architecture firm that designed Ontario Science Centre offers free repair services to keep it open

Blog TO (June 24, 2024): Tens of thousands of people have now signed on to save the Ontario Science Centre

Canadian Architect (June 24, 2024): Ontario Science Centre doesn’t require full closure: A close reading of the engineer’s report

Globe and Mail (June 23, 2024): Shameless spin aside, closing the Ontario Science Centre is a choice